Permanent Eyeliner - A Different Kind of Tattoo Technique

Cosmetic surgery techniques to apply permanent eyeliner introduced in the early 1980s. This is a technique that permanently tattooed attractive dark pigment in the eyelid above and below in order to simulate eyeliner.

To carry out the operation, the eyelid is anesthetized in order to apply the tattoo safely. The eyeball is protected during the procedure through which contact lenses steel tattoo needle can not make contact with the surface of the eye. Type of procedure is usually performed by a licensed MD who has specialized training in cosmetic and plastic surgery.

Applying eyeliner permanent makeup procedures are not without the possibility of medical complications.

The tattoo pigments that can cause problems such as blistering, scarring and sometimes even infection.

Cosmetic surgery will review all these concerns with the patient and also how to properly care for the eye area after the procedure has been completed.

Interestingly, the FDA currently does not regulate permanent cosmetics. This is a position unusual for the FDA to consider that the pigment used can cause health problems as described above. The need for consistent known pigments and materials which are no different than secure other types of medical procedures in which chemical or synthetic agents injected or introduced into the body.

It is very possible that the FDA regulation of this field of cosmetic surgery practice is near and will contribute to patient safety and better consistency of the results of the procedure.

Because the surgical procedure, permanent cosmetic eyeliner can be relatively expensive compared with other types of beauty procedures. good news is that there are now many companies that specialize in providing financing and payment plans are specifically designed for those who undergo cosmetic surgery procedures.

Just always consult with a licensed doctor or similar medical facility before undergoing a medical procedure.